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Jumat, 28 September 2012
Setting Manual Affiliate Amazon di Posting Website
Cara untuk menjadi affiliasi Amazon, yaitu :
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Untuk memasarkan affiliate kita tersebut kita dapat memasang widget, banner, membuat aStore Amazon, dll.
Setting manual affiliate Amazon
Setelah kita mendaftar affiliate amazon tersebut, kita akan mendapat Amazon ID ( Tracking ID ) dengan format : *******-20, misalnya (Tracking ID Amazon ku) : catatanku0e-20 dan kita dapat membuat lagi ID tersebut sesuai keinginan kita, misal : ariefewcom-20
Selanjutnya, pada halaman utama amazon kita cari barang yang sesuai keinginan kita. Bisa sampai produk detail atau produk list saja. URL dari suatu barang tersebut kita tambahkan &tag=idamazonku-20
Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan dilihat di postinganku sebelumnya yang memang kusengaja untuk menerangkan masalah ini…. sekalian sambil menyelam minum air … hehehehe
Setting Manual Affiliate Amazon di Posting Website
Mendatangkan Traffic atau Pengunjung yang Tertarget
Bagi Anda yang aktif nge-blog apalagi sedang menjalankan bisnis online baik dengan memasarkan produk sendiri ataupun produk pihak lain yang sering kita kenal dengan afiliasi tentu mafhum bahwa traffic (kunjungan) menjadi faktor penting dalam meraih keberhasilan. Namun, bukan sekedar jumlah pengunjung saja yang harus kita pikirkan. Ada yang jauh lebih penting dari itu dan saya ingin berbagi beberapa tips marketing online berikut dengan Anda.
Pertama, bangun brand image Anda. Mendapatkan pengunjung yang banyak sebenarnya tidaklah terlalu sulit, Anda bisa menarik perhatian orang dengan gambar yang aneh, Judul yang bombastis atau kontroversial. Jika Anda menggunakan cara ini dengan cepat Anda akan mendapatkan banyak pengunjung terutama dari situs jejaring sosial seperti kompasiana ini (yang menampilkan judul tulisan sebagai "tanda" yang terbaca). Tapi apa gunanya ? Cepat atau lambat Anda akan ditinggalkan, percayalah tidak ada orang yang bersedia "tertipu" untuk kedua kali. Jadi, hindari judul bombastis dan kontroversial yang tidak nyambung dengan isi artikel. Berikan manfaat pada orang lain dan bangunlah brand image Anda.
Kedua, dapatkan pengunjung yang tertarget. Jika blog atau website Anda adalah situs yang menjual sepatu futsal misalnya. Tulis artikel dalam blog Anda tentang futsal atau setidaknya masih ada hubungannya dengan sepak bola atau olah raga, ini akan membawa pengunjung yang tertarget (sesuai dengan apa yang Anda tawarkan). Bisa saja Anda menulis artikel tentang gaya rambut wanita dalam blog Anda misalnya, tetapi cara ini meski bisa mendatangkan traffic namun sangat kecil kemungkinannya menghasilkan penjualan dari blog Anda. Karena mungkin yang berkunjung ke situs Anda adalah mereka (wanita) yang tidak atau kurang menyukai olah raga apalagi futsal. Lebih parahnya, jika mereka merasa tertipu dan enggan untuk berkunjung ke blog Anda kembali.
Ketiga, lakukan dengan santun dan professional. Dalam marketing ada istilah "it's all about promotion". Benar bahwa dengan promosi produk yang biasa bisa tampak luar biasa dan sebaliknya. Namun, jangan sampai ini menjadikan kita over aggressive dalam berpromosi, misalnya dengan melebih-lebihkan produk kita yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan. Dalam hidup kita, apalgi bisnis tidak ada yang salah dengan promosi. Hanya lakukan promosi dengan santun dan professional. Berikan informasi yang sejujurnya sehingga calon konsumen bisa menilai dengan sendirinya apakah produk atau jasa kita memang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Apalagi dalam marketing online, dimana kita tidak bisa saling bertemu dengan calon konsumen kita. Maka, bangunlah blog atau website kita dengan professional sebab ini merepresentasikan diri kita.
Semoga bermanfaat : Mendatangkan Traffic atau Pengunjung yang Tertarget
Kamis, 27 September 2012
Apple's decision to ship its own mapping system in the iPhone 5 and iOS 6
iOS 6 was made over a year before the company's agreement to use
Google Maps expired, according to two independent sources familiar
with the matter. The decision, made sometime before Apple's WWDC event
in June, sent Google scrambling to develop an iOS Google Maps app - an
app which both sources say is still incomplete and currently not
scheduled to ship for several months.
"Apple decided to end the deal and ship the new maps"
As rumors and leaks of Apple's decision to announce the new iOS 6 maps
at WWDC in June filtered out, Google decided to respond with a display
of strength - the search giant hastily announced its own mapping event
just days before Apple's event. Dubbed "the next dimension of Google
Maps," the event was designed to showcase new technologies like
low-level aerial 3D photography and Street View backpacks - a
chest-thumping exercise meant to highlight Google's significant head
start in collecting mapping information, but which offered very little
in the way of consumer-facing features.
For its part, Apple apparently felt that the older Google Maps-powered
Maps in iOS were falling behind Android - particularly since they
didn't have access to turn-by-turn navigation, which Google has
shipped on Android phones for several years. The Wall Street Journal
reported in June that Google also wanted more prominent branding and
the ability to add features like Latitude, and executives at the
search giant were unhappy with Apple's renewal terms. But the existing
deal between the two companies was still valid and didn't have any
additional requirements, according to our sources - Apple decided to
simply end it and ship the new maps with turn-by-turn.
""What were we going to do, force them not to change their mind?""
The reports were validated earlier today by Google chairman Eric
Schmidt, who was quoted by Reuters saying "what were we going to do,
force them not to change their mind? It's their call." Schmidt also
said that Google had "not done anything yet" with an iOS Google Maps
app, and that Apple would ultimately have to decide whether to approve
any such app anyway. "It's their choice," he told Bloomberg. Google
Maps VP Brian McClendon has also repeatedly said he's committed to
offering Google Maps on all platforms, indicating that an iOS app will
eventually appear.
Interestingly, Apple either didn't know or didn't expect that
consumers would find its new maps to be deficient - when iOS software
VP Scott Forstall introduced the new mapping system in June, he called
it "beautiful" and "gorgeous" and stressed that "we're doing all the
cartography ourselves." The company was forced to adopt a different
tone last week as complaints about the maps spread, saying the "new
map service is a major initiative and we are just getting started with
it." The company also promised "continuously improving" maps, and said
that "the more people use it, the better it will get." Indeed, some of
the more egregious errors spotted by users are already getting fixed,
although New York's bridges are still distorted in Flyover and the
Statue of Liberty remains missing.
""This new map service is a major initiative and we are just getting
started with it.""
Ultimately, maps are just one more front in an increasingly high
stakes war between rival ecosystems as PCs give way to mobile devices.
Apple and Google both plainly understand that phones and tablets are
most powerful when used in conjunction with sophisticated cloud-based
services, and both seem determined to own and integrate the entire
experience - ownership that will lead to dominance in the next era of
computing. A few customers getting lost along the way seems to be
acceptable collateral damage.
Apple had over a year left on Google Maps contract, Google scrambling
to build iOS app
By Chris Ziegler 09.25.2012
Apple's decision to ship its own mapping system in the iPhone 5 and
iOS 6 was made over a year before the company's agreement to use
Google Maps expired, according to two independent sources familiar
with the matter. The decision, made sometime before Apple's WWDC event
in June, sent Google scrambling to develop an iOS Google Maps app - an
app which both sources say is still incomplete and currently not
scheduled to ship for several months.
"Apple decided to end the deal and ship the new maps"
As rumors and leaks of Apple's decision to announce the new iOS 6 maps
at WWDC in June filtered out, Google decided to respond with a display
of strength - the search giant hastily announced its own mapping event
just days before Apple's event. Dubbed "the next dimension of Google
Maps," the event was designed to showcase new technologies like
low-level aerial 3D photography and Street View backpacks - a
chest-thumping exercise meant to highlight Google's significant head
start in collecting mapping information, but which offered very little
in the way of consumer-facing features.
For its part, Apple apparently felt that the older Google Maps-powered
Maps in iOS were falling behind Android - particularly since they
didn't have access to turn-by-turn navigation, which Google has
shipped on Android phones for several years. The Wall Street Journal
reported in June that Google also wanted more prominent branding and
the ability to add features like Latitude, and executives at the
search giant were unhappy with Apple's renewal terms. But the existing
deal between the two companies was still valid and didn't have any
additional requirements, according to our sources - Apple decided to
simply end it and ship the new maps with turn-by-turn.
""What were we going to do, force them not to change their mind?""
The reports were validated earlier today by Google chairman Eric
Schmidt, who was quoted by Reuters saying "what were we going to do,
force them not to change their mind? It's their call." Schmidt also
said that Google had "not done anything yet" with an iOS Google Maps
app, and that Apple would ultimately have to decide whether to approve
any such app anyway. "It's their choice," he told Bloomberg. Google
Maps VP Brian McClendon has also repeatedly said he's committed to
offering Google Maps on all platforms, indicating that an iOS app will
eventually appear.
Interestingly, Apple either didn't know or didn't expect that
consumers would find its new maps to be deficient - when iOS software
VP Scott Forstall introduced the new mapping system in June, he called
it "beautiful" and "gorgeous" and stressed that "we're doing all the
cartography ourselves." The company was forced to adopt a different
tone last week as complaints about the maps spread, saying the "new
map service is a major initiative and we are just getting started with
it." The company also promised "continuously improving" maps, and said
that "the more people use it, the better it will get." Indeed, some of
the more egregious errors spotted by users are already getting fixed,
although New York's bridges are still distorted in Flyover and the
Statue of Liberty remains missing.
""This new map service is a major initiative and we are just getting
started with it.""
Ultimately, maps are just one more front in an increasingly high
stakes war between rival ecosystems as PCs give way to mobile devices.
Apple and Google both plainly understand that phones and tablets are
most powerful when used in conjunction with sophisticated cloud-based
services, and both seem determined to own and integrate the entire
experience - ownership that will lead to dominance in the next era of
computing. A few customers getting lost along the way seems to be
acceptable collateral damage.
Selasa, 25 September 2012
Jual Prosesor Komputer butut
![]() |
Haetsink Fan |
- heatsink. Heatsink adalah logam dengan design khusus yang terbuat dari alumuniun atau tembaga (bisa merupakan kombinasi kedua material tersebut) yang berfungsi untuk memperluas transfer panas dari sebuah prosesor. Perpindahan panas terjadi menggunakan aliran udara di dalam casing. jadi metode pendinginan ini tidak cukup efektif, karena sangat bergantung kepada aliran udara di dalam casing. jika aliran udaranya teranggu, maka bisa dipastikan prosesor akan kepanansan
- heatsink fan (HSF). Cara kerja dari HSF mirip seperti pada pendinginan menggunakan heatsink, tetapi pada HSF ditambahkan sebuah kipas untuk mempercepat proses transfer panas. HSF bekerja lebih baik daripada Heatsink. pada masa kini HSF menggunakan teknologi heatpipe yaitu pipa tembaga kecil untuk transfer panas dengan menggunakan konsep kapilaritas.
- water cooling. Teknik pendinginan CPU menggunakan water cooling adalah dengan menggunakan cairan pendingin (biasanya berupa air)yang dialirkan menggunakan peralatan khusus untuk water cooling. peralatannya biasanya terdiri dari water block yang dipasangkan ke pengait prosesor dimotherboard, pompa air, dan radiator.
- Dry ice dan nitrogen cair. Prinsip pendingin tipe ini sangat simple, processor yang akan didinginkan ditempelkan langsung dengan dasar tabung tembaga (bonk) yang artinya bonk tersebut akan diisi dengan dry ice atau nitrogen cair.
- Phase-change cooler. Pendingin tipe ini serupa dengan pendingin yang digunakan pada kulkas diman pandingin akan didorong dengan kompresor.
- TEC (Thermoelectric Cooler). Prinsip kerja pendingin ini adalah dengan mengalirkan arus listrik ke salah satu sisi logam sehingga disatu sisi logam akan dingin dan disisi logam yamg lain akan panas.
Gambar beberapa contoh Heatsink :heatsink
heatsink fan (HSF) water cooling
Dry ice dan nitrogen cair Phase-change cooler
TEC (Thermoelectric Cooler) Dari 6 macam model cooler atau pendingin processor yang umum digunakan adalah model heatsink fan yaitu cooler yang menggunakan lempengan alumunium dan kipas. Selain banyak terdapat dipasaran, harganya uga sangat terjangkau. Murah tidak berarti bermutu jelek. Mutu dari heatsink yang baik sebenarnya ditentukan oleh bahan Heatsink , ukuran heatsing, dan putaran kipas/fan. Bahan terbaik untuk menyerap panas terbaik adalah dibuat dari bahan tembaga (copper) dan bahan ini mahal serta jarang dijual bebas. Bahan alumunium adalah yang paling banyak dibuat sebagai heatsink. Ukuran heatsink tergantung pada ukuran blade (sirip) serta banyaknya sirip. Semakin kecil dan semakin banyak tentunya akan lebih mudah melepas panas, terlalu kecil ukurannya mungkin menjadi tidak efektif dalam menerima panas. Kecepatan fan untuk mendinginkan heatsink yang terbaik adlah memiliki ukuran kipas besar, RPM yang tinggi dan blade kipas yang banyak. Semakin cepat dan besar serta memiliki jumlah kipas yang banyak akan membuat heatsink lebih cepat didinginkan. Selain itu masalah air gap (keregangan antar permukaan heatsink dengan CPU) juga menentukan panas dari CPU yang dapat diserap oleh heatsink. Upaya untuk menekan adanya air gap ini adalah dengan thermal grase (chemical yang dioleskan pada permukaan heatsink dan permukaan CPU) sehingga CPU dapat menampel sempurna dengan heatsink dan keregangan permukaan dapat dikurangi. Thermal greese sementara yang terbaik adalah terbuat dari silvel (silver greese).
Minggu, 23 September 2012
Hukum melakukan operasi kecantikan (Operasi plastik dan sejenisnya)
Hukum asuransi dalam Islam
Kehidupan manusia pada zaman modern ini sarat dengan beragam macam resiko dan bahaya. Dan manusia sendiri tidak mengetahui apa yang akan terjadi esok hari dan dimana dia akan meninggal dunia. Resiko yang mengancam manusia sangatlah beragam, mulai dari kecelakaan transportasi udara, kapal, hingga angkutan darat. Manusia juga menghadapi kecelakaan kerja, kebakaran, perampokan, pencurian, terkena penyakit, bahkan kematian itu sendiri.
Untuk menanggulangi itu semua, manusia berinisiatif untuk membuat suatu transaksi yang bisa menjamin diri dan hartanya, yang kemudian dikenal dengan istilah asuransi. Asuransi ini termasuk muamalat kontemporer yang belum ada pada zaman nabi Muhammad saw. Oleh karena itu, perlu ada penjelasan tentang hukumnya di dalam Islam
Pengertian Asuransi
Asuransi berasal dari kata assurantie dalam bahasa Belanda, atau assurance dalam bahasa perancis, atau assurance/insurance dalam bahasa Inggris. Assurance berarti menanggung sesuatu yang pasti terjadi, sedang Insurance berarti menanggung sesuatu yang mungkin atau tidak mungkin terjadi.
Menurut sebagian ahli asuransi berasal dari bahasa Yunani, yaitu assecurare yang berarti menyakinkan orang.
Di dalam bahasa Arab asuransi dikenal dengan istilah : at Takaful, atau at Tadhamun yang berarti : saling menanggung. Asuransi ini disebut juga dengan istilah at-Ta'min, berasal dari kata amina, yang berarti aman, tentram, dan tenang. Lawannya adalah al-khouf, yang berarti takut dan khawatir. ( al Fayumi, al Misbah al Munir, hlm : 21 ) Dinamakan at Ta'min, karena orang yang melakukan transaksi ini (khususnya para peserta ) telah merasa aman dan tidak terlalu takut terhadap bahaya yang akan menimpanya dengan adanya transaksi ini.
Adapun asuransi menurut terminologi sebagaimana yang disebutkan dalam Undang-Undang No. 2 Tahun 1992:
" Asuransi atau pertanggungan adalah perjanjian antara dua pihak atau lebih, dengan mana pihak penanggung mengikatkan diri pada tertanggung, dengan menerima premi asuransi untuk memberikan penggantian pada tertanggung karena kerugian, kerusakan atau kehilangan keuntungan yang diharapkan, atau tanggung jawab hukum kepada pihak ketiga yang mungkin akan diderita tertanggung, yang timbul dari suatu peristiwa yang tidak pasti, atau untuk memberikan suatu pembayaran yang didasarkan atas meninggal atau hidupnya seseorang yang dipertanggungkan "
Macam-macam Asuransi
Para ahli berbeda pendapat di dalam menyebutkan jenis-jenis asuransi, karena masing-masing melihat dari aspek tertentu. Oleh karenanya, dalam tulisan ini akan disebutkan jenis-jenis asuransi ditinjau dari berbagai aspek, baik dari aspek peserta, pertanggungan, maupun dari aspek sistem yang digunakan :
I. Asuransi ditinjau dari aspek peserta, maka dibagi menjadi :
1. Asuransi Pribadi ( Ta'min Fardi ) : yaitu asuransi yang dilakukan oleh seseorang untuk menjamin dari bahaya tertentu. Asuransi ini mencakup hampir seluruh bentuk asuransi, selain asuransi sosial
2. Asuransi Sosial ( Ta'min Ijtima'i ) , yaitu asuransi ( jaminan ) yang diberikan kepada komunitas tertentu, seperti pegawai negri sipil ( PNS ), anggota ABRI, orang-orang yang sudah pensiun, orang-orang yang tidak mampu dan lain-lainnya. Asuransi ini biasanya diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah dan bersifat mengikat, seperti Asuransi Kesehatan ( Askes ), Asuransi Pensiunan dan Hari Tua ( PT Taspen ), Astek ( Asuransi Sosial Tenaga Kerja ) yang kemudian berubah menjadi Jamsostek ( Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja), Asabri ( Asuransi Sosial khusus ABRI ), asuransi kendaraan, asuransi pendidikan dan lain-lain. [1]
Catatan : Asuransi Pendidikan adalah suatu jenis asuransi yang memberikan kepastian / jaminan dana yang akan digunakan untuk biaya pendidikan kelak. Asuransi Pendidikan ini mempunyai dua unsur yaitu Investasi dan Proteksi. Investasi bertujuan untuk menciptakan sejumlah dana / nilai tunai agar mampu mengalahkan laju inflasi, sehingga dana atau nilai tunai yang tercipta bisa dipakai untuk keperluan dana pendidikan.
Proteksi mempunyai tujuan memberikan proteksi kesehatan pada diri Anak atau peserta utama atau tertanggung utama, sehingga apabila terjadi resiko (sakit) maka asuransi ini yang akan memberikan santunan, tanpa mengurangi dana yang telah diinvestasikan dalam asuransi pendidikan ini. Dengan adanya proteksi yang diberikan ini maka dana yang sudah diinvestasikan tidak akan terganggu karena terjadi suatu resiko. Selain Proteksi terhadap kesehatan anak, asuransi ini juga memberikan fasilitas berinvestasi, ketika orang tua (penabung) mengalami resiko, yang selanjutnya pihak perusahaan akan mengambil alih untuk menabungkan ke rekening anak di rekening asuransi pendidikan ini sampai anak dewasa. Jadi dengan adanya proteksi ini maka kepastian dana untuk pendidikan senantiasa tersedia saat dibutuhkan. [2]
II. Asuransi ditinjau dari bentuknya.
Asuransi ditinjau dari bentuknya dibagi menjadi dua :
1. Asuransi Takaful atau Ta'awun. ( at Ta'min at Ta'awuni )
2. Asuransi Niaga ( at Ta'min at Tijari ) ini mencakup : asuransi kerugian dan asuransi jiwa.
III. Asuransi ditinjau dari aspek pertanggungan atau obyek yang dipertanggungkan
Jenis-jenis asuran ditinjau dari aspek pertanggungan adalah sebagai berikut :
Pertama : Asuransi Umum atau Asuransi Kerugian ( Ta'min al Adhrar )
Asuransi Kerugian adalah asuransi yang memberikan ganti rugi kepada tertanggung yang menderita kerugian barang atau benda miliknya, kerugian mana terjadi karena bencana atau bahaya terhadap mana pertanggungan ini diadakan, baik kerugian itu berupa:
Kehilangan nilai pakai atau kekurangan nilainya atau kehilangan keuntungan yang diharapkan oleh tertanggung.
Penanggung tidak harus membayar ganti rugi kepada tertanggung kalau selama jangka waktu perjanjian obyek pertanggungan tidak mengalami bencana atau bahaya yang dipertanggungkan.
Kedua : Asuransi Jiwa. ( Ta'min al Askhas )
Asuransi jiwa adalah sebuah janji dari perusahaan asuransi kepada nasabahnya bahwa apabila si nasabah mengalami risiko kematian dalam hidupnya, maka perusahaan asuransi akan memberikan santunan dengan jumlah tertentu kepada ahli waris dari nasabah tersebut.
Asuransi jiwa biasanya mempunyai tiga bentuk [3] :
1. Term assurance (Asuransi Berjangka)
Term assurance adalah bentuk dasar dari asuransi jiwa, yaitu polis yang menyediakan jaminan terhadap risiko meninggal dunia dalam periode
waktu tertentu.
Contoh Asuransi Berjangka (Term Insurance) :
Usia Tertanggung 30 tahun
Masa Kontrak 1 tahun
Rate Premi (misal) : 5 permill/tahun dari Uang Pertanggungan
Uang Pertanggungan : Rp. 100 Juta
Premi Tahunan yang harus dibayar : 5/1000 x 100.000.000 = Rp. 500.000
Yang ditunjuk sebagai penerima UP : Istri (50%) dan anak pertama (50%)
Bila tertanggung meninggal dunia dalam masa kontrak, maka perusahaan Asuransi sebagai penanggung akan membayar uang Pertanggungan sebesar 100 juta kepada yang ditunjuk.
2. Whole Life Assurance (Asuransi Jiwa Seumur Hidup)
Merupakan tipe lain dari asuransi jiwa yang akan membayar sejumlah uang pertanggungan ketika tertanggung meninggal dunia kapan pun. Merupakan polis permanen yang tidak dibatasi tanggal berakhirnya polis seperti pada term assurance. Karena klaim pasti akan terjadi maka premium akan lebih mahal dibanding premi term assurance dimana klaim hanya mungkin terjadi. Polis whole life merupakan polis substantif dan sering digunakan sebagai proteksi dalam pinjaman.
3. Endowment Assurance (Asuransi Dwiguna)
Pada tipe ini, jumlah uang pertanggungan akan dibayarkan pada tanggal akhir kontrak yang telah ditetapkan.
Contoh Asuransi Dwiguna Berjangka (Kombinasi Term & Endowment)
Usia Tertanggung 30 tahun
Masa Kontrak 10 tahun
Rate Premi (misal) : 85 permill/tahun dari Uang Pertanggungan
Uang Pertanggungan : Rp. 100 Juta
Premi yang harus dibayar : 85/1000 x 100.000.000 = Rp. 8.500.000,-
Yang ditunjuk sebagai penerima UP : Istri (50%) dan anak pertama (50%)
1. Bila tertanggung meninggal dunia dalam masa kontrak, maka perusahaan Asuransi sebagai penanggung akan membayar uang Pertanggungan sebesar 100 juta kepada yang ditunjuk.
2. Bila tertanggung hidup sampai akhir kontrak, maka tertanggung akan menerima uang pertanggungan sebesar 100 juta
IV. Asuransi ditinjau dari sistem yang digunakan.
Asuransi ditinjau dari sistem yang digunakan, maka menjadi :
1. Asuransi Konvensional
2. Asuransi Syariah adalah suatu pengaturan pengelolaan risiko yang memenuhi ketentuan Syariah, tolong menolongsecara mutual yang melibatkan peserta dan operator. [4]
Hukum Asuransi
Hukum Asuransi menurut Islam berbeda antara satu jenis dengan lainnya, adapun rinciannya sebagai berikut :
Pertama : Ansuransi Ta'awun
Untuk asuransi ta'awun dibolehkan di dalam Islam, alasan-alasannya sebagai berikut [5] :
Asuransi Ta'awun termasuk akad tabarru' (sumbangan suka rela) yang bertujuan untuk saling bekersama di dalam mengadapi marabahaya, dan ikut andil di dalam memikul tanggung jawab ketika terjadi bencana. Caranya adalah bahwa beberapa orang menyumbang sejumlah uang yang dialokasikan untuk kompensasi untuk orang yang terkena kerugian. Kelompok asuransi ta'awun ini tidak bertujuan komersil maupun mencari keuntungan dari harta orang lain, tetapi hanya bertujuan untuk meringankan ancaman bahaya yang akan menimpa mereka, dan berkersama di dalam menghadapinya.
Asuransi Ta'awun ini bebas dari riba, baik riba fadhal, maupun riba nasi'ah, karena memang akadnya tidak ada unsure riba dan premi yang dikumpulkan anggota tidak diinvestasikan pada lembaga yang berbau riba.
Ketidaktahuaan para peserta asuransi mengenai kepastian jumlah santunan yang akan diterima bukanlah sesuatu yang berpengaruh, karena pada hakekatnya mereka adalah para donatur, sehingga di sini tidak mengandung unsur spekulasi, ketidakjelasan dan perjudian.
Adanya beberapa peserta asuransi atau perwakilannya yang menginvestasikan dana yang dikumpulkan para peserta untuk mewujudkan tujuan dari dibentuknya asuransi ini, baik secara sukarela, maupun dengan gaji tertentu.
Kedua : Asuransi Sosial
Begitu juga asuransi sosial hukumnya adalah diperbolehkan dengan alasan sebagai berikut :
Asuransi sosial ini tidak termasuk akad mu'awadlah ( jual beli ), tetapi merupakan kerjasama untuk saling membantu.
Asuransi sosial ini biasanya diselenggarakan oleh Pemerintah. Adapun uang yang dibayarkan anggota dianggap sebagai pajak atau iuran, yang kemudian akan diinvestasikan Pemerintah untuk menanggulangi bencana, musibah, ketika menderita sakit ataupun bantuan di masa pensiun dan hari tua dan sejenisnya, yang sebenarnya itu adalah tugas dan kewajiban Pemerintah. Maka dalam akad seperti ini tidak ada unsur riba dan perjudian.
Ketiga : Asuransi Bisnis atau Niaga
Adapun untuk Asuransi Niaga maka hukumnya haram. Adapun dalil-dalil diharamkannya Asuransi Niaga ( Bisnis ), antara lain sebagai berikut [6] :
Pertama: Perjanjian Asuransi Bisnis ini termasuk dalam akad perjanjian kompensasi keuangan yang bersifat spekulatif, dan karenanya mengandung unsur gharar yang kentara. Karena pihak peserta pada saat akad tidak mengetahui secara pasti jumlah uang yang akan dia berikan dan yang akan dia terima. Karena bisa jadi, setelah sekali atau dua kali membayar iuran, terjadi kecelakaan sehingga ia berhak mendapatkan jatah yang dijanjikan oleh pihak perusahaan asuransi. Namun terkadang tidak pernah terjadi kecelakaan, sehingga ia membayar seluruh jumlah iuran, namun tidak mendapatkan apa-apa. Demikian juga pihak perusahaan asuransi tidak bisa menetapkan jumlah yang akan diberikan dan yang akan diterima dari setiap akad secara terpisah. Dalam hal ini, terdapat hadits Abu Hurairah ra, bahwasanya ia berkata :
َ نَهَى رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ عَنْ بَيْعِ الْحَصَاةِ وَعَنْ بَيْعِ الْغَرَرِ
" Rasulullah saw melarang jual beli dengan cara hashah (yaitu: jual beli dengan melempar kerikil) dan cara lain yang mengandung unsur penipuan." ( HR Muslim, no : 2787 )
Kedua: Perjanjian Asuransi Bisnis ini termasuk bentuk perjudian ( gambling ), karena mengandung unsur mukhatarah ( spekulasi pengambilan resiko ) dalam kompensasi uang, juga mengandung ( al ghurm ) merugikan satu pihak tanpa ada kesalahan dan tanpa sebab, dan mengandung unsur pengambilan keuntungan tanpa imbalan atau dengan imbalan yang tidak seimbang. Karena pihak peserta ( penerima asuransi ) terkadang baru membayar sekali iuran asuransi, kemudian terjadi kecelakaan, maka pihak perusahaan terpaksa menanggung kerugian karena harus membayar jumlah total asuransi tanpa imbalan. Sebaliknya pula, bisa jadi tidak ada kecelakaan sama sekali, sehingga pihak perusahaan mengambil keuntungan dari seluruh premi yang dibayarkan seluruh peserta secara gratis. Jika terjadi ketidakjelasan seperti ini, maka akad seperti ini termasuk bentuk perjudian yang dilarang oleh Allah swt, sebagaimana di dalam firman-Nya :
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ إِنَّمَا الْخَمْرُ وَالْمَيْسِرُ وَالأَنصَابُ وَالأَزْلاَمُ رِجْسٌ مِّنْ عَمَلِ الشَّيْطَانِ فَاجْتَنِبُوهُ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ
"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, sesungguhnya (meminum) khamar, berjudi, (berkorban untuk) berhala, mengundi nasib de-ngan panah, adalah perbuatan keji termasuk perbuatan syaitan. Maka jauhilah perbuatan-perbuatan itu agar kamu mendapat keberuntungan." ( QS. Al-Maidah: 90).
Ketiga: Perjanjian Asuransi Bisnis itu mengandung unsur riba fadhal dan riba nasi'ah sekaligus. Karena kalau perusahaan asuransi membayar konpensasi kepada pihak peserta (penerima jasa asuransi) , atau kepada ahli warisnya melebihi dari jumlah uang yang telah mereka setorkan, berarti itu riba fadhal. Jika pihak perusahaan membayarkan uang asuransi itu setelah beberapa waktu, maka hal itu termasuk riba nasi'ah. Jika pihak perusahaan asuransi hanya membayarkan kepada pihak nasabah sebesar yang dia setorkan saja, berarti itu hanya riba nasi'ah. Dan kedua jenis riba tersebut telah diharamkan berdasarkan nash dan ijma' para ulama.
Keempat: Akad Asuransi Bisnis juga mengandung unsur rihan ( taruhan ) yang diharamkan. Karena mengandung unsur ketidakpastian, penipuan, serta perjudian. Syariat tidak membolehkan taruhan kecuali apabila menguntungkan Islam, dan mengangkat syiarnya dengan hujjah dan senjata. Nabi saw telah memberikan keringanan pada taruhan ini secara terbatas pada tiga hal saja, sebagaimana dalam hadits Abu Hurairah ra, bahwasnya Rasulullah saw bersabda :
لَا سَبَقَ إِلَّا فِي خُفٍّ أَوْ فِي حَافِرٍ أَوْ نَصْلٍ
" Tidak ada perlombaan kecuali dalam hewan yang bertapak kaki ( unta ), atau yang berkuku ( kuda ), serta memanah." ( Hadits Shahih Riwayat Abu Daud, no : 2210 )
Asuransi tidak termasuk dalam kategori tersebut, bahkan tidak mirip sama sekali, sehingga diharamkan.
Kelima: Perjanjian Asuransi Bisnis ini termasuk mengambil harta orang tanpa imbalan. Mengambil harta tanpa imbalan dalam semua bentuk perniagaan itu diharamkan, karena termasuk yang dilarang dalam firman Allah:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ لاَ تَأْكُلُواْ أَمْوَالَكُمْ بَيْنَكُمْ بِالْبَاطِلِ إِلاَّ أَن تَكُونَ تِجَارَةً عَن تَرَاضٍ مِّنكُمْ وَلاَ تَقْتُلُواْ أَنفُسَكُمْ إِنَّ اللّهَ كَانَ بِكُمْ رَحِيمًا
"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu saling memakan harta sesamamu dengan jalan yang batil, kecuali dengan jalan perniagaan yang berlaku dengan suka sama suka diantara kamu. Dan janganlah kamu membunuh dirimu; sesungguhnya Allah adalah Maha Penyayang kepadamu." (QS.An-Nisa': 29).
Keenam: Perjanjian Asuransi Bisnis itu mengandung unsur mewajibkan sesuatu yang tidak diwajibkan oleh syara'. Karena pihak perusahaan asuransi tidak pernah menciptakan bahaya dan tidak pernah menjadi penyebab terjadinya bahaya. Yang ada hanya sekedar bentuk perjanjian kepada pihak peserta penerima asuransi, bahwa perusahaan akan bertanggungjawab terhadap bahaya yang kemungkinan akan terjadi, sebagai imbalan dari sejumlah uang yang dibayarkan oleh pihak peserta penerima jasa asuransi. Padahal di sini pihak perusahaan asuransi tidak melakukan satu pekerjaan apapun untuk pihak penerima jasa, maka perbuatan itu jelas haram.
Perbedaan Asuransi Syariah dan Konvensional.[7]
Adapun perbedaan antara keduanya adalah sebagai berikut :
Dari Sisi Prinsip Dasar
Asuransi Konvensional dan Asuransi Syariah kedua- duanya bertugas untuk mengelola dan menanggulangi risiko, hanya saja di dalam Asuransi Syariah konsep pengelolaannya dilakukan dengan menggunakan pola saling menanggung risiko antara pengelola dan peserta( risk sharing ) atau disebut dengan at takaful dan at tadhamun. Sedang dalam Asuransi Konvensional pola kerjanya adalah memindahkan risiko dari nasabah ( peserta ) kepada perusahaan ( pengelola ), yang disebut dengan risk transfer. Sehingga resiko yang mengenai peserta akan ditanggung secara penuh oleh pengelola.
Dari Sisi Akad
Pada bagian tertentu ausransi syariah akadnya adalah tabarru' ( sumbangan kemanusiaan ) dan ta'awun ( tolong menolong ), serta akad wakalah dan mudharabah ( bagi hasil ). Sedangkan pada asuransi konvensional, akadnya adalah jual beli yang bersifat al gharar ( spekulatif ).
Dari Sisi Kepimilikan Dana
Di dalam Asuransi Konvensional dana yang dibayarkan nasabah kepada perusahaan ( premi ) menjadi menjadi milik perusahaan secara penuh, khususnya jika peserta tidak melakukan klaim apapun selama masa asuransi. Sedangkan di dalam Asuransi Syariah dana tersebut masih menjadi milik peserta, setelah dikurangi pembiayaan dan fee ( ujrah ) perusahaan. Karena di dalam Asuransi Syariah, perusahaan hanya sebagai pemegang amanah ( wakil ) yang digaji oleh peserta, atau yang sering disebut dengan istilah al Wakalah bi al Ajri. Bisa juga perusahaan sebgai pengelola dana ( mudharib ) dalam akad mudharabah ( bagi hasil ). Bahkan ada perusahaan yang mengembalikan underwriting surplus pengelolaan dana tabarru'nya kepada peserta selama tidak ada klaim pada masa asuransi. Ataupun perusahaan sebagai pengelola dana.
Dari sisi obyek
Asuransi Syariah hanya membatasi pengelolaannya pada obyek-obyek asuransi yang halal dan tidak mengandung syubhat. Oleh karenanya tidak boleh menjadikan obyeknya pada hal-hal yang haram atau syubhat, seperti gedung-gedung yang digunakan untuk maksiat, atau pabrik-pabrik minuman keras dan rokok, bahkan juga hotel-hotel yang tidak syariah. Adapun Asuransi Konvensional tidak membedakan obyek yang haram atau halal, yang penting mendatangkan keuntungan.
Dari Sisi Investasi Dana.
Dana dari kumpulan premi dari peserta selama belum dipakai, oleh perusahaan asuransi syariah diinvestasikan pada lembaga keuangaaan yang berbasis syariah atau pada proyek-proyek yang halal yang didasarkan pada sistem upah atau bagi hasil. Adapun asuransi konvensional pengelolaan investasinya pada sistem bunga yang banyak mengandung riba dan spekulatif ( gharar ).
Dari Sisi Pembayaran Klaim.
Pada asuransi syariah pembayaran klaim diambilkan dari rekening tabarru' ( dana sosial ) dari seluruh peserta, yang sejak awal diniatkan untuk diinfakkan untuk kepentingan saling tolong menolong bila terjadi musibah pada sebagian atau seluruh peserta. Sedangkan pada asuransi konvensional pembayaran klaim diambil dari dana perusahaan karena sejak awal perjanjian bahwa seluruh premi menjadi milik perusahaan dan jika terjadi klaim, maka secara otomatis menjadi pengeluaraan perusahaan.
Dari Sisi Pengawasan.
Dalam asuransi syariah terdapat Dewan Pengawas Syariah ( DPS ), sesuatu yang tidak di dapatkan pada asuransi konvensional.
Dari sisi dana zakat, infaq dan sadaqah.
Dalam asuransi syariah ada kewajiban untuk mengeluarkan zakat sebagaimana ketentuan syariat Islam. Adapun dalam asuransi konvensional tidak dikenal istilah zakat.
Perkembangan Asuransi di Indonesia [8]
Asuransi Jiwa Konvensional pertama kali di Indonesia adalah NILIMIJ yang didirikan oleh pemerintah Belanda pada tahun 1859 M, kemudian pada tahun 1912 orang-orang pribumi Indoensia mendirikan OL-Mij yang pada hakekatnya hanyalah pengembangan dari NILIMIJ di atas. Ol-Mij ini akhirnya menjelman menjadi PT Asuransi Jiwa Bersama Bumi Putra. Sejak itu, maka asuransi-asuransi konvensional berkembang pesat hingga tahun 2005 telah tercatat sebanyak 157 perusahaan.Laju pertumbuhannya ( 1 % ) setiap tahunnya. Diantara asuransi jiwa yang ada adalah : American International Group Lippo ( Aig Lippo ), Asuransi Jiwa Eka Life, Asuransi Jiwa Indolife Pensiontama, Asuransi Jiwa Metlife Sejahtera, Asuransi Jiwa Tugu Mandiri, PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya.
Adapun asuransi Syariah pertama kali di Indonesia baru muncul pada 24 Pebruari tahun 1994, yaitu Syarikat Takaful. Walaupun begitu, perkembangan asuransi Syariat jauh lebih pesat dari asuransi konvensional, ,karena sampai tahun 2005 telah tercatat 29 perusahaan, sehingga laju pertumbuhannya hingga ( 8 % ) dalam satu tahun. Bahkan kini menjadi 34 perusahaaan lebih.
Rata-rata asuransi Syariah yang disebut di atas, adalah jelmaan dari asuransi konvensional yang berpindah menjadi asuransi Syariat secara total atau memiliki dual programme, yaitu menjual produk-produk konvensional dan syariat dalam satu waktu . Yang benar-benar sejak awal didirikan menyatakan diri sebagai asuransi syariah adalah PT Asuransi Takaful Keluarga yang berdiri pada 4 Agustus 1994. Contoh-contoh lain dari perusahaan asuransi syariah adalah PT Asuransi Al Mubarakah yang berdiri pada tahun 1997 dan PT MAALife Assurance, adapun perusahaan asuransi konvensional yang mempunyai produk syariah adalah : PT Asuransi Jiwa Manulife Indonesia, PT Asuransi Jiwa Sinar Mas.*
Asuransi dalam Undang-Undang
Jumat, 21 September 2012
Finding the Right College Program for You
There are all kinds of college programs that are available today for those seeking higher education and degrees in a wide variety of fields. The problem often lies in finding the type of education that is appropriate for your specific needs. We all learn best through different methods and identifying your learning method is a great way to understand what learning environment will work best for you.
The common learning environments for college level studies are the following: community colleges, universities, and online or distance learning opportunities. Community colleges tend to offer smaller classrooms with more discussion-oriented styles of learning and discourse. Universities tend to be more lecture oriented while distance and online learning opportunities are quite often self-directed learning opportunities that require a great deal of discipline in order to be successful.
When trying to identify the college that will work best for you, you should keep in mind your personal learning style. Beyond that you should also consider the type of environment you expect from your college education and the amount of time you wish to devote to the pursuit of your education and degree. Some people find that university life is far too distracting while others find that the solitude of online and distance learning is a distraction in and of itself.
You will find all kinds of cultural opportunities at a university that you will not find through home studies or on the community college level. For some students, these opportunities are icing on the cake and an important part of the learning experience as you delve into other cultures, art, music, and history. Others find these opportunities to be far too plentiful and far too distracting for their study needs. Whichever student you tend to be will make a huge difference in the best situation for your learning needs.
Another important consideration is housing. Most universities have ample on campus housing for their students while a few campuses experience on campus housing shortages and rely on housing that is located in and around the college area in order to fill in the gaps. Some universities will even offer limiting housing opportunities to students who have spouses and children. While housing on community college is seen, particularly in rural areas where there is limited housing available in and around the schools, these are more often the exception rather than the rule. Most community colleges are largely commuter campuses with very limited if any housing opportunities. Online and distance learning programs offer no housing to students.
Another concern that most also be considered carefully is the distance between classes and any special needs you may have. Universities tend to be large and spread out. It is quite possible to need to get from one end of campus to another (a mile or more in some cases) with a 10-minute window in which to get it done. For students with special needs or physical disabilities this can be quite problematic, especially on days of inclimate weather. Community colleges tend to have smaller campuses, which mean less real estate to cover in between classes. Online and distance learning classes go with you wherever you have access to a computer. This means that they are as portable as you need them to be if you have your own laptop and wireless Internet access.
You must consider all these things and so much more when narrowing down your college choices. Do you really want to take the personal responsibility required in order to succeed in online and distant learning courses? Do you want to be limited by the meager offerings of coursework available at the community college level? Is it worth it to you to pay the high price involved in a university education? These are all questions that you need to consider carefully before making the decision as to which college environment is the most desirable for you.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
For any student hoping to attend college in the coming year, the first place you need to start is by filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid that is commonly referred to as FAFSA. The earlier you fill out this form the better as far as your chances of receiving the full amount of financial aid that is available to you as well as to clear up and fix any potential problems that may arise well ahead of the deadline for aid being awarded.
The final date for application changes from year to year and is generally somewhere near the beginning of summer. Earlier is much better than later as far too many students wait until closer to deadline in order to fill out their forms and if you have any questions you are likely to find yourself standing in or calling into longer lines for your answers.
There are a few things you need to know about the FAFSA. Most schools require this form to have been filled out before they will award any financial aid, not just federal financial aid. In other words you should check with your school but you may need to fill out this form even if you are only applying for departmental scholarships and not federal financial aid. It is a good idea to begin at the financial aid office of the institution you plan to attend at any rate to make sure they do not have additional forms that they require you fill out in order to apply with financial aid through the university or college as well as the federal government.
Another thing you need to be well aware of is that you will need to fill out one of these forms for each year that you hope to receive financial aid of any kind. This is not something that is automatically renewed or guaranteed. There are many changes that could affect the amount of money you are eligible to receive as well as whether or not you are eligible to receive federal funds at all on any given academic year. For this reason you must apply for aid for each year that you attend.
Another thing that you must remember is that while a subsidized student loan doesn't been to accrue interest until you graduate or cease to be enrolled for the required hours, an unsubsidized student loan begin accruing interest from day one. This means that you will owe a substantial amount of money in interest upon graduation if you take out an unsubsidized student loan in order to pay for educational expenses.
Student loans make college educations possible for many people who would not otherwise have the opportunity to attend college. At the same time there are many people, who neglect to use these loans responsibly, which is the beginning of irresponsible spending habits that can plague people for the remainder of their lives. Take great caution that you use your student loans for their intended purpose and use them wisely.
The FAFSA also enables you to apply for Federal Pell Grants and Federal Work Study programs in addition to student loans. Of the three mentioned above, student loans should be a last resort rather than a first. The amount of money available can prove to be quite tempting so be very careful and read all the terms before signing up for any and all financial aid. Your high school, college financial aid office, and the Internet are all excellent sources for information on scholarships, grants, loans, and work study programs for which you may qualify.
Graduate Degree Options
Many people find that in the courses of their careers they wish they had the ability to go back to school for even further education. Unfortunately, not everyone has the good fortune to live in the vicinity of a university that offers graduate level studies in the career they have chosen. Chances are that a good percentage of the population does not and if they do chances are even better that they have very busy personal and professional lives that make intensive graduate studies difficult to pursue at best.
If you are one of the many people that feel you have made your choice and are stuck with your undergraduate degree or that a post graduate degree is simply out of your reach, I hope you will read this article with great interest and learn that there options available to you no matter how far away from a university you live or how little time you have to devote to your graduate studies.
A graduate education is a very intensive course of study that is very narrow and specific. In other words, many students find that their graduate coursework is their favorite by far as it gets into the meat of the subject matter of their interest rather than merely hitting the highlights. Only a small percentage of the population at this point in time has a graduate education. Though this does not necessarily guarantee you any employability it can provide you with very specialized knowledge or skills that will help you perform your job better and qualify you for more interesting and specialized positions in your field of study.
If you would like to pursue a graduate education but feel you are too far from the nearest university that offers a comprehensive graduate education in your field, you might be surprised to find that the nearest graduate level curriculum is as far away as your living room or your favorite Internet café. Online courses give new hope to potential graduate students. Many of them will actually allow you to work around your work schedule and at your own pace while trying to achieve your dreams of higher education and life long learning.
Online courses are becoming more widely accepted across the nation and around the world. We live in the information age and it only makes sense that we are taking control of our educations by using services and demanding services like online courses in order to further our educational goals. At the moment there are only limited offerings for graduate studies, most of them centering on educational fields with only a few graduate degrees offered in other fields such as the medical industry. As demand grows so will the availability of graduate courses and degrees that are being offered online.
If you happen to be fortunate enough to live relatively close to a university that offers graduate studies in your field you might want to check with the university and see if they offer weekend graduate classes. This is a new trend that seems to be growing in popularity as a valid option for those who hope to return to college but can't afford to give up precious work or family time during the week. These courses are much more intense than your average once or twice a week night course but they allow you to pursue your graduate degree in a much quicker manner than traditional programs have allowed and are much more employer and family friendly. Of course you also have the option of taking one or two classes at a time at night in order to achieve your graduate degree as well. Masters degree students only need to take 9 hours a semester in order to be considered full time students and qualify for financial aid.
All in all, you do not need to sacrifice your goals of graduate studies in order to maintain your career or achieve some sort of balance between work, education, and family. Whether you choose online courses, night courses, or weekend courses for your studies you have many opportunities to achieve the degree you desire without sacrificing heavily in order to do so.
Great Reasons to Complete your Degree
A university education is one of the best possible ways to insure your earning power upon graduation. There are all kinds of fields and all kinds of majors, some paying higher than others but as a rule, college graduates will earn more money over the course of their lifetimes than those who do not have a college education or degree.
We live in a world that increasingly demands more of its citizens. We need to have the ability to hold academic conversations on the corporate level that go well beyond the score in last nights basketball games. Companies' want well-rounded employees that epitomize all the great things that a four-year degree has to offer. For this reason, even those who have labored in order to gain an associate's degree are getting left behind in favor of those who have a more 'complete' education.
If you have already entered the work force there is still the time to increase your earning potential by seeking higher education. Colleges and universities today are offering more options for students wishing to return to college than ever before. In fact we are seeing an increasing number of college students that are classified as non-traditional students. We are seeing many more adults returning for the education they didn't receive the first time around, which is good news. It also means that more and more options are becoming available at night and on the weekends for those adults.
Even better is the fact that more and more often we are seeing courses being offered online for those who are seeking to complete their education. This allows even more options for those students who are desperately trying to balance careers, family, and education. As more and more opportunities such as these arise we will also see a growing number of graduate studies opportunities being offered in a similar fashion.
If you are thinking of returning to school after years of absence or perhaps attending for the very first time while managing an existing career there is no time like the present in order to do so. Not only will a college education give you greater earning potential in your lifetime it can also qualify you for promotions within the company for which you currently are employed.
The truth of the matter is that you really can't go wrong when it comes to going back to college and getting or finishing your degree. You can increase your earning potential, your promotion potential, and most importantly your self-image. There is something about having a degree that makes you feel better about yourself and your ability to provide for your family. Even if you never actually use your degree for anything other than a plaque on the wall, you will have the knowledge that you accomplished something that only a small percentage of the population ever gets around to completing.
If nothing else, your college education is worth every penny you will pay in order to have it for the wonderful sense of accomplishment that goes along with getting it. Your college degree won't make you a better person; just give you a better opinion of yourself as a person in many instances. If you need a confidence booster in your professional and your personal life, getting your college degree is often just the bump of confidence you need in order to accomplish many great things.
Financial Aid Options for Students
If you happen to be fortunate enough to live in a community that has a community college you should really make the time in your schedule to check and see what kind of classes they can offer that can help you advance your education and your career. You might be amazed at the different types of courses you can take even on the community college level. I know that I have found some of the courses that are offered and the degree of learning that takes place to be quite impressive. I think that many people who have in the past disregarded the important role that community colleges play in providing an affordable venue for learning will be quite amazed as well.
Community colleges have an undeserved reputation for inferiority when this could not be further from the truth. A good many of the nations nurses are products of community college educations. In many states, the associates degree nursing programs are quite rigorous and provide more clinical experience than most bachelor's degree nursing programs. This means that students graduating nursing school with an associates degree in nursing are often better prepared to deal with patient care than those who have the 'superior degree'. This by no means is meant to disparage B. S. Nursing students at all. In fact, most hospitals will not even consider you a candidate for an administrative nursing position unless you have the Bachelor's degree. This is only meant to point out that associates degree programs can be quite competitive and inclusive despite common misconceptions.
Of course there are other benefits to learning on the community college level, at least for the first two years of your education. One of those benefits that speaks volumes to me is the fact that teachers in community colleges are dedicated to teaching. They are not working on their own research or books. They are there for the purpose of helping you achieve your goals, which means you aren't an interruption in their pursuit of their own goals.
Community colleges also offer an excellent buffer for students who may not have been on top of their game academically in high school or those who are returning to college after a long absence from academia. You won't find the large auditorium classes on the community college level that major universities are famous for offering. You also won't find that teachers do not have time for their students. There is a lower teacher to student ratio in community colleges so that professors will have time to address the needs of students.
Another benefit is that even if you do not go on to get your four year degree after completing your community college education you will find that your earning potential is significantly improved over those who do not have at least a two-year college education. Research also indicates that students who complete a two-year degree program at a community college are more likely to finish and get a four-year degree than those students who begin their educational experience at a four-year university.
There are a few problems that can be associated with a community college education and you should take note of these so that they do not become a problem for you. First of all, some universities do not accept many of the courses that are offered on the community college level as transfer credits. Make sure that you know what courses are required for the university that you are planning to transfer to in order to avoid this. You also may find that you are limited on the courses you can take and the times in which they will be available. Make sure that you have all the limited courses well ahead of time so that you aren't taking another year of classes in order to graduate.
All in all, a community college education can be just as enlightening as a university education if you enter into the process with an open mind and a willingness to learn. I hope you take advantage of this much less expensive option before moving on to university courses if possible.
Community College Disadvantages
While there are many distinct advantages that can be associated with attending a community college there are a few disadvantages that I would be remiss in not mentioning. We all like to look at the positive side of things and the good in my opinion of community colleges, at least as a springboard for university learning far outweigh the bad. However, if you are considering community college as an option whether for your associate's degree alone or have plans to move along to the university level upon completion you should see the big picture and not just the sunshine and flowers.
The first thing you should be aware of, and this applies primarily to those students with plans to transfer, is that you should always consult the college you intend to attend next in order to make sure that the courses you are taking on the community college level are compatible with the core requirements for the university. In many cases they are similar enough to be considered compatible but there are exceptions and it is better to find this out sooner rather than later. If you plan to attend a University that is located near the community college you are attending you should check and see if they have some sort of articulation agreement that will allow associate's degree graduates to transfer seamlessly.
Many states are stepping in and passing laws that require colleges in their specific states to accept community college credits as transfer credits in an effort to keep qualified workers in the state. Some universities are even offering distance learning programs to associates degree graduates in order to allow access to students who live a greater distance from campus to have access to educational opportunities that would have been denied to them in the past. Of course if you live in one of these states, a former disadvantage may now work in your favor.
Many community colleges do not offer housing opportunities and most of those that do are still largely commuter campuses rather than residence campuses. Rather than spending funds on housing these colleges tend to reserve their spending to assist in academic pursuits. Community colleges in rural areas are much more likely than those in larger cities to offer housing on campus. The lack of on-campus housing makes participation in sports and other activities a little more difficult than colleges that are largely residential in nature.
If you decide to make a community college your last stop when it comes to your personal educational experience you will be denying yourself a great deal of earning potential over the course of your lifetime. For this reason you should seriously consider the benefits that transferring to a university will present for your educational goals.
My largest complaint when it comes to community colleges when compared to larger universities was the fact that there are such limited opportunities to take specific classes than when compared to those classes on a university level. You will find that you must remain within your sequence of courses on the community college level or you risk needing an extra semester or year in order to complete the requirements for your associate's degree. Universities tend to offer greater flexibility, especially in lower level courses that are required by all in order to graduate.
My other major complaint when it comes to community college is the fact that they often have much smaller libraries than universities. This seriously limits the ability that students have to do extensive research with the exception of rare cases. Universities simply have deeper pockets than the average community college. For this reason they will have bigger libraries and far more bells and whistles than the average community college. Hopefully we'll see this change over time as well. Despite the disadvantages that can be associated with community college educations, I feel that they are very much outweighed by the benefits that the community college learning environment offers.
Educational Savings Accounts
When it comes to getting a college education, financing is one of the most important considerations that you will need to make. Unfortunately for far too many it is one the last considerations that is made when it comes to the educations of our children. If you are a parent you owe it your child and yourself to plan ahead and plan carefully in order to cover the cost of your child's education. There are fortunately, a few great ways in which you can do this.
The most common is to begin by opening up an educational savings account for your child (under the age of 18). When you open up an educational savings account for your child, you can contribute up to $2,000 per year per child. This is a combined total contribution however and includes the contributions of grandparents, friends, and family in addition to your own personal contributions. The money from these funds can be withdrawn tax-free as long as they are used for educational purposes.
Educational expenses in this case include books, tuition, fees, supplies, and college room and board provided that your child is at least a part-time student. If you do not use all the funds for your child there are options as far as what to do with the remaining funds in the account. The first option would be to leave the funds in the account and allow the account beneficiary to withdraw them up until the age of 30. There is a penalty involved and the beneficiary will be required to pay income tax on those funds. You could also elect to roll those funds over to the next child under the age of 18 who will have educational expenses in the future.
The money you set aside in these accounts to cover the cost of the education of your child or children is not tax-deductible however, it is a great way to begin saving money and investing in the future of your child. If you begin investing the maximum amount $2,000 per year upon birth your child should have a nice nest egg to help cover educational expenses. If your child is fortunate enough to qualify for scholarships and other sources of financial aid you can turn the funds over as a graduation gift or save it for the next college student in your family that comes along. Either way you've saved yourself a good part of the worry that goes along with providing for your family by having this fund set up for your children.
You can sign up for programs like Upromise in order to subsidize your contributions with donations from corporate sponsors as their way of thanking you for buying their products or using their services on any credit cards that you, your friends, and your family members have registered to go into your child's account. Every edge you give yourself when it comes to investing in the education of your children is an edge worth having. College tuition rates are rising at an alarming rate while corporate expectations of college degrees are rising at the same near lightening speed. This means that a college degree is more critical for our children than in any past generations.
Take the time now to check into securing the future of your children by establishing an educational savings account. Let friends and family know that any gifts they are planning to give your children that involve money would be appreciated if they instead invested in the future of your children rather than the now. You can also ask your friends and family to sign up their credit cards with Upromise in order to provide a little bump in donations to your child's college savings account. These little steps add up to significant savings over the course of 18 years. You just might find that the investment you are making is adequate to cover the costs of your child's tuition in full.
Financial Aid Options for Students
When it comes to financial aid for college there are primarily two sources: privately funded financial aid and federally funded financial aid. When applying for or receiving either you need to make sure that you are fully aware of all the fine print involved. Most people find that the expenses of college are much too great to afford without assistance of some sort. If you are a parent chances are that you will some day face the need to pay college tuition along with the worry of how on earth you will manage to accomplish that goal.
The problem is that not every student who wishes to attend college qualifies for either federally funded student aid or the vast majority of scholarships that require either exceptional grades or a specific and exceptional talent in order to receive. For those students thinking outside the box may be necessary in order to receive the much needed educational assistance or financial aid.
If you do not qualify for federal financial aid for your children, then you may want to consider the benefit of other scholarship options. One common scholarship option that is often overlooked is the ROTC program that most universities offer. There is a price to pay for these scholarships but many find that price provides valuable experience and is well worth the education and the experience received during the process. If your child is interested in the possibility of a military career or becoming a military officer, this is a great way to go.
As a parent you may want to see what sort of, if any, flexible spending accounts your state has set up that can help you set aside money for college expenses for your children. Many states have these and there are programs such as Upromise that allows you and others to dedicate the spending from a credit card to be used as a 'match' program for your child's college funds. While it isn't a dollar for dollar match of your credit card spending every little bit helps. The real beauty of programs like Upromise is that you can enlist the help of family in friends when saving for your child's college educational expenses. Regardless, it is never too early to begin saving for your child's college education and these expenses seem to be rising exponentially.
There are many programs that exist to help minorities and women pay for their educational expenses. Some of these scholarships are needs based while some of them are solely merit based. On all levels competition is fierce, however, if you qualify for any of these scholarships you would be doing yourself a disservice not to apply for them. You never know when your application might be the one that captures the attention of the scholarship committee. The one thing you should keep in mind is to read all the instructions, make copies of everything, and follow the directions. You'd be amazed at how many worth applicants are denied scholarships each year because they did not follow the directions on the application properly. Another thing you should keep in mind is neatness. You are much more likely to win a scholarship if the committee can actually read your application.
There are many great opportunities for financial assistance when it comes to college. The trick is typically in finding the great sources. Your college's financial aid office is an excellent source of information for financial aid as is your high school counselor. See what your options are before you sacrifice the dream of a college education.
Financial Motivation for Two-Year Education
When it comes to college, you are considering an expensive proposition any way you look at it. There are however, ways in which you can greatly reduce your overall expenses when it comes to getting your college degree. The first method, which in many cases is the most preferred, is by attending a community college for the first two years of your college educational experience. Believe it or not you can literally save thousands of dollars over the course of spending two years on the community college level.
You will hear all kinds of arguments on why it is better to attend all four years at a university. The universities almost always make these arguments. Unfortunately, their opinions are a little bit biased in these matters. Most universities offer equivalent courses with community colleges meaning that the first two years of study should transfer with no problems or snags along the rocky road to your degree.
The universities make money each semester you begin class as a student. It is in their best interest financially to have you from the beginning rather than as a transfer. In fact, many universities offer lower level classes as auditorium classes. They pack more students into classes and have fewer professors or graduate students teaching the courses and maximize their money off the first and second year students rather than those in upper level courses. Yet another reason to consider a community college for the first two years of you education.
Getting back to the expenses of a community college, most community colleges are largely commuter campuses. This means you won't face the high housing costs that are associated with universities, particularly if you are attending college close to home. Community colleges also offer far less distractions that cost additional money than most major universities. This doesn't mean that there aren't ample social opportunities; it simply means that there are fewer of them. This also leaves fewer distractions than universities present when it comes to studying.
Community colleges simply cost less all around. While it would be nice if you could receive a full four year education at this level, they are able, for the most part, to keep expenses down by not requiring the level of qualification that universities require of their professors for upper level courses. You will have excellent, if not superior quality of education at lower levels than you would have on the university level, but you will also eventually need to move on to the university level in order to complete your education.
For this reason, you would do well to save half of your savings over university costs for each of the two years you are attending community college and apply it to your university education. This will ease the burden of the additional costs of the university and feel as though you are paying the same amount for tuition throughout your education regardless of the fact that you are literally saving thousands of dollars on your educational expenses.
Some states have educational savings plans that allow parents to save for tuition at current costs by enrolling. These plans cover two years of community college education and two years of university education. By locking in today's prices you are eliminating the inflation. When you consider the fact that college tuition is increasing at an alarming rate this is by far an excellent way to go. You should check with your state and see if they offer a similar plan to parents of younger children and what the requirements are in order to enroll your child today.
If you are looking for a real value in education whether or not you only go for your two year degree of move on to a university in order to finish your four-year degree you should find that a community college education offers a significant value for the money. Most people find that every penny they spent in a community college was a penny well spent.